A Fresh Look.
I've been pretty busy today revamping my blog. I hope you like it. If you don't like it please tolerate it for the sake of my feelings.

Last night our church hosted it's first "Leadership Summit" of 2009. We started having these summits in the Spring of 2008. I'll be the first to say that since then everything from hospitality to the worship ministry has stepped up to a new level of excellence. These meetings have served well in vision casting. Our Lead Pastor, Administrator and myself have the opportunity to encourage, critique and challenge the core of our church to do better in things we are lacking in. We also have the opportunity to communicate any sort of changes in our current plans. The "Leadership Summits" have been incredibly effective in bringing our church together in purpose, understanding, and vision. I can't wait to see what God does in 2009. One thing is for certain; I don't want a front row seat, you'll find me on the front line.

Now playing: Jars Of Clay - The Eleventh Hour
via FoxyTunes
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